The perfect maintenance pond food!
These Nishikoi Staple fish food pellets will provide your fish with a complete, well balanced diet. Containing all the essential vitamins and minerals required for healthy growth.
Health, growth & colour - developed in collaboration with the UK's leading nutritionists using only the finest ingredients to produce a fish food which will provide your fish with a complete, balanced diet
Easy to digest - by using only premium, high-quality ingredients and the latest manufacturing technology these fish food pellets are highly digestible, low waste resulting in less pollution in your pond water
Contains stabilised vitamin C which helps your fish to resist disease and improves their recuperative ability
By floating on the surface of the water you can enjoy watching your fish as they feed
Promotes health, growth and colour.
Easy to digest.
Contains Vitamic C, improving disease resistance.
28% protein making these fish food pellets an ideal maintenance food
Feed from March to October (water temp 8°C or higher)
Ideal for all pond fish
Pellet size: 0.6cm
Here we have outlined some key maintenance tips for your pond in January.
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